Friday 11 November 2016

The Fact: Nigeria Unemployment Rate

Do you know that Nigeria unemployment rate was recorded at 13.3 percent in second quarter of 2016? Up from 12.1 percent in the three months to March, coming to the most noteworthy since 2009. The quantity of unemployed people ascended by 12.2 percent to 10.644 million, business scarcely ascended by 0.06 percent to 69.04 million and work drive expanded 1.78 percent to 79.9 million. In the mean time, youth unemployment expanded to 24 percent from 21.5 percent.

Unemployment Rate in Nigeria found the middle value of 9.28 percent from 2006 until 2016, achieving a record-breaking high of 19.70 percent in the final quarter of 2009 and a record low of 5.10 percent in the final quarter of 2010. Unemployment Rate in Nigeria is accounted for by the National Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria.

What can we do to overcome this? Give your comments to let people what the next time!

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